And I’m so excited to be sharing all of my knowledge, excitement and love of the LinkedIn platform with you in this program.
Initially, I was sceptical about how LinkedIn could help me grow my business but when I tried on other platforms like Instagram and Facebook, my message just wasn't getting through - those platforms are saturated. My message wasn’t getting heard on, just drowned out in a sea of noise.
At the time I had no budget for a Facebook Ads campaign or other paid marketing activities.
I felt stuck.
If only there was another platform that had a generous algorithm to promote my brand organically and at no cost.
(Cut to LinkedIn jumping up and down in the background shouting “pick me, pick me”.)
The thing was, I kept being drawn to LinkedIn.
I used it extensively when I was a recruiter, I knew it had the functionality to help my business, I knew it provided a massive opportunity but I would always talk myself out of posting in there.
To put it plainly, I was fearful...
… to the fear of getting on video...
... to the fear of not having the credibility to attract clients…
... but most of all, the fear of what people would think of me 😱.
That was a big one for me!
What would my former colleagues and peers say if I started showing who I really was on LinkedIn!??
After all, LinkedIn is a “professional” networking and resume platform, not a space for me to showcase my personal brand and business.
Oh, how wrong I was!
It took many months to find the courage, but sometime in March 2018, I decided to give LinkedIn a red hot crack.
I decided I’d really test to see if I could make LinkedIn work for my personal brand and my business. I decided every day for 90 days, I’d show up on LinkedIn by either posting a video, photo or article and then assess.
And can I say, the results exceeded my expectations!
Thanks to LinkedIn I attracted some absolutely out of this world opportunities and successes including:
>> creating a business from the ground up,
>> making a multiple six-figure business in my first 12 months,
>> selling out group courses and 1:1 coaching programs,
>> locking in 5-figure brand deals,
>> being invited to speak on live TV,
>> being featured in news publications,
>> invited to speak on over 40 stages all around the world,
>> working with brands as an influencer,
>> running workshops for employers,
I'll also add all of these opportunities came to me organically ie no financial cost to me.
There has never been a better time to grow your business on LinkedIn.
And that's because...
LinkedIn now is a content creation platform.
You are probably seeing the other social platforms becoming overcrowded but with LinkedIn there is a huge opportunity and you're thinking, "how do I take advantage of this?".
Perhaps you have even tried posting to LinkedIn but without much "return on investment", so to speak. You want to know how to move the needle.
Well, the core reasons LinkedIn is not working for you is because:
>> Your personal brand isn't clear
>> You're not really clear on what you're selling
>> You are consuming more than you are creating
It's time for you to stand out, share your message and shape your personal brand on LinkedIn to draw in those aligned opportunities for your hustle.